All the RGVHOA  Key Documentation, Rules, Guidelines & Forms (English & Afrikaans) are downloadable from here: (just a click away)

RGVHOA Constitution

Constitution of the Rochefort Village Home Owners' Association

DRVHEV Grondwet

Grondwet van die Dorp Rochefort Huiseienaarsvereniging

RGVHOA Conduct Rules

Conduct Rules of the Rochefort Garden Village Home Owners' Association

DRHEV Gedragreëls

Gedragreëls van die Dorp Rochefort Huiseienaarsvereniging

RGVHOA Estate Agents Application form

Application to register to market / rent homes in Rochefort Garden Village.

RGVHOA Sell / Buy & Let / Rent Application Guide + Forms

Guide to Purchasing / Selling & Letting / Renting in accordance with the Constitution of the RGVHOA Clause 7.6 including: 1. Application Form to sell a property. 2. Works Clearance Certificate Form. 3. Application Form to purchase a property. 4. Application Form to let a property. 5. Application Form to rent a property.

DRHEV Huisagente Aansoekvorm

Aansoek om te registreer om huise in dorp Rochefort te bemark / verhuur.

DRHEV Koop / Verkoop & Verhuur / Huur Aansoekriglyn + Vorms

Riglyn vir Koop / Verkoop & Huur / Verhuur in dorp Rochefort in ingevolge klousule 7.6 van die DRHEV Grondwet, insluitent: 1. Aansoekvorm om n eiendom te verkoop. 2. Werksklaringssertifikaat Vorm. 3. Aansoekvorm om n eiendom te koop. 4. Aansoekvorm om n eiendom te verhuur 5. Aansoekvorm om n eiendom te huur

RGVHOA Removal Vehicles / DRHEV Vervoervoertuie

Removal Vehicles notice for Security office / Vervoervoertuie nota vir Sekuriteits kantoor: 1. Application Form for resident leaving Rochefort 2. Aansoekvorm vir inwoner wat Rochefort verlaat 3. Application Form for new resident to Rochefort 4. Aansoekvorm vir nuwe inwoner in Rochefort

RGVHOA Architectural & Aesthetics Guidelines + Forms

Architectural & Aesthetics Guidelines (for alterations and additions to homes) including: 1. Minor Works Application Form 2. Building Application Form 3. Building Deposit Refund Form

DRHEV Argitektoniese & Estetiese Riglyne + Vorms

Argitektoniese & Estetiese Riglyne (vir veranderings en aanbouings by huise) insluitend: 1. Kleinwerke-aansoekvorm 2. Aanbouings-aansoekvorm 3. Aanbouings deposito terugbetalings vorm

RGVHOA Works Clearance Certificate

Works Clearance Certificate - bilingual

RGVHOA Clubhouse Hire

Clubhouse Hire; Terms, Conditions & Forms.

DRHEV Klubhuis Huur

Klubhuis huur; Bepalings, Voorwaardes & Vorms.

RGVHOA Guidelines & Carer Application Form

Guidelines and form to be completed when employing the services of a carer in Rochefort Village.

DRHEV Versorger indiensneming Gids & Aansoek Vorm

Riglyne en Aansoekvorm om te voltooi om n versorger in dorp Rochefort in diens te neem.

Vigilant Registration Form - bilingual

Vigilant Registration Form - bilingual

Domestic Worker & Gardener Application Form - bilingual

Domestic Worker & Gardener Application Form - bilingual